PCE Club - 122th Monthly Event - Panel Discussion: America�s Public and Private School Syst
专题讨论会 � 美国的公立及私立学校系统
您知道您孩子的学校里提供哪些课程和课外活动吗?就当前美国教育系统,什么是正确的渠道来获得您想要知道和了解的事情?你是否考虑过选择私立学校,但却不知道该了解哪些情况和问哪些问题?如果您的孩子具有特殊天赋或特殊需要,怎样才能有效利用公立和私立学校的课程及资源帮助您?你有没有遇到过这种情况,您和学校对某些问题采取不同立场? 俱乐部邀请了几位公立和私立学校系统的专家和家长来分享他们的经验,并和大家一起专题讨论美国学校系统。本次活动的目标是:
张迎潮博士:拥有核物理博士学位的张迎潮先生2000年举家迁入西温莎镇,其中一个很大的原因就是这里的学区在新州名列前茅。从2003年孩子上学开始,他参与到社区与学区的义务服务之中。2004年被选入华夏普兰斯堡中文学校这所华夏系统中的最大分校的董事会,2005年当选董事长,而2012年底再次入选董事会并担任长,协助普兰斯堡分校度过了一次危机。近年来,他经常参加西温莎 - 普兰斯堡学区的学区理事会议,代表华人社区提出观点和建议。他去年提出的中国新年纳入学区年历的建议,经过已故华人学区理事徐义保教授的努力,得到理事会的支持和通过。他三个儿子都在西温莎 - 普兰斯堡学区,太太是另一个学区的物理老师,因此他对美国的公立学校系统有颇多的了解。而这正是他决定参加2013年学区委员选举的主要愿意之一。虽然没有当选,因为和学区委员、学区管理人员、各校家长教师联合会及众多家长的紧密接触,他对公立学校系统和西温莎 - 普兰斯堡学区有了更深入的了解。
汤丽娟女士:汤丽娟女士现任火凤凰文化协会会长,曾任华夏中文学校校刊主编和副总校长,并主管宣传工作。作为作者,她在网络和平面媒体发表过大量散文、短篇小说和随笔。其中很多是有关子女教育的文章。例如:《浅谈美国的儿童教育》《为女铺成五彩路》等等。她的两个女儿均高中毕业于新州排名第86位的Hunterdon Central High School,并且进入普林斯顿大学学习。她目前在新州的中文报纸《新星周刊》开办《捷希谈教育》专栏,每周与读者分享教育子女的经验和体会,并为报考大学的学生和家长提供升学指导。
游拔&敏夫妇:游拔&敏夫妇儿子现在美国私立高中Groton High School(8-12th)就学。该校是独立学院联盟的一员,是在 New England 地区的世界公认的最好的寄宿学校之一和为学生准备进入美国著名大学的世界顶尖高中之一。游拔先生是IT专业人士,在纽约银行就职。他是一个非常尽心尽职的父亲,言传身教的榜样。他曾参加从波士顿到纽约市三天自行车比赛活动,为盲人募捐以激发儿子的爱心和奉献精神。
刘轶敏: 是PCE俱乐部的现任会长。她是一个非常活跃的房地产投资顾问。她曾在花旗集团的兼并与收购(M&A)顾问团队担任高级副总裁。她是一名执业会计师,并具有工商管理硕士学位。她的两个孩子先后就学过公立学校以及私立学校,目前就读于New School at Holmdel(私立学校)。她将从父母的视觉和角度与大家分享.
时间: 2014年1月18日星期六,傍晚 6点30至9点
6:30-7:00 为小孩才艺表演时间,欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、请准时。
地点: 三彩藝術學院
地址: 802 US 1 North, Edison, NJ 08817
(Edison金门超市对面向南一点,1号路北向过Audi车行,在Standard Tile同一个停车场)
活动组织者: Nancy Chen, Tracy Gao
Amy Liu (***-***-7816,amyliuCPA@yahoo.com),
The PCE Club presents the 122th Monthly Event:
Panel Discussion: America�s Public and Private School System
Do you know all the programs that are available to your children at school? What is the right channel to get your needs and wants heard in the US school system? Have you explored private school options but don�t know what questions to ask? How can public and private school programs help you if your child has special talents or needs? Have you ever encountered a situation that you and school take different stands on issues?
PCE club has invited the experts and parents in both public and private school systems to host our 122th event � a panel discussion on the US school system.
The goals of this event are to:
Help parents to learn the major differences between public and private schools, advantages and disadvantages of both school systems;
Share knowledge/information and experience of attending public vs private schools;
Discuss how to best leverage the public and private education resources;
Share best practices how to choose the right school for your children;
Exchange ideas on how to deal with schools when things go wrong.
About the Speakers:
Dr. Yingchao got involved in public school system and local community soon after his family moved to West Windsor from New York City in 2000. He was twice elected as the chair of the school board for Huaxia Chinese School at Plainsboro (HXPCS), which is the largest branch school within the Huaxia Chinese School systems. He attended WWP school district board meetings regularly, making public comments and proposals, suggesting solutions for school issues. Most recently, he proposed and successfully gained support and approval to put Chinese New Year on school calendar. All his three children are currently enrolled in the WWP school district. He is keen on public school education systems in America, and entered the race for the two open seats for the WWP school board in the Nov 5th election. While not being elected, he gained more valuable experiences and insights to the school district during the election campaign through his communications with the school board, the district administrators, and parents.
LijuanTang currently is president of Redpheonix Cultural Association and the Column Writer of Jersey Education Talk in New Star Weekly, a Chinese news paper publishing and distributing in New Jersey. In the past, Dr. Tang was the Chief Editor and Vice Principal of Huaxia Chinese School. She also published short stories and essays in books, literature magazines and online websites. She shared her experience and thoughts with readers on topics in parenting and education. With clear and well planed approaches, both of her two daughters graduated from Hunterdon Central High School, rank 86 in NJ public schools, went to Princeton University.
You Ba &Min couple: are parents of a student at private high school Groton. Groton School is a prestige private high school, a member of the Independent School League and universally recognized as one of the most selective and elite boarding schools in New England. You Ba is a IT professional in banking industry. He is a very devoted father and role model for his son. He joined fundraising bicycle tour from Boston to New York city in order to inspire his son to love and contribute.
Amy Liu is the current president of the PCE Club. She is an active real estate investor and real estate investment consultant. She previously worked as Senior Vice President on the Citigroup Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Advisory team. She is a Certified Public Accountant and has an MBA degree. Her two children had both public school and private school exposure, and are currently enrolled in the New School in Holmdel (private school). She will provide views and observations from a parent�s perspective.
When: January 18, 2014 Saturday, from 6:30 to 9 pm
(6:30-7 pm: Children�s Talent Show; 7-9 pm: presentation, childcare available)
Where: San Cai Arts Academy
802 US 1 North, Edison, NJ 08817
(On Route 1 North across the street from Kam Man Supermarket; in the same parking lot as the store �Standard Tile� north of Audi Dealer)
Fees: Free for PCE club members. $12 per non-member family
Event Organizer: Nancy Chen, Tracy Gao
Amy Liu (***-***-7816, amyliuCPA@yahoo.com,
Ming Xu( ***-***-8007),
Lei Xu (***-***-4290,lxu2005@gmail.com)